Tuesday, October 6, 2009

This morning, it's a brave new world in my apartment.

In was pleasantly surprised in my aspirations to become a morning person that I announced to my Boyfriend last night by awaking without prompt at 6:23 am. After passing through random bouts of being jolted into consciousness in the recent past at abnormally early times, I do believe my biology has gathered it's energies to form a coup d'etat in collaboration with my consciousness to manifest my desires against my former habitudes of night owl ways.

It's been an inspiring day so far. 

I live in a barely year-old six story elevator building so I was really very surprised to see a centipede run in to the bathroom while I was in the shower. For what ever reason in its' centipede code of instinct after realizing that I wasn't going to threaten it, it started to climb the door frame. It only got a foot or so up before the condensation I was creating loosened it's grip on the paint and made it's way back out after recovering from the shock of landing, but not without notice and significance from its short sighting. Unbeknownst (I have to assume) to it, its guest appearance was actually an excitement in my life as centipede sightings in it comprise a list small enough to almost recount the specific times and instances. 

A quick search reveals that although centipedes are found in a wide array of climates ranging from the tropics to arid desert, they lack a waxy cuticle and loose water rapidly through their skin so require a moist micro-climate to re-hydrate. My little guy was a house centipede - so not so much a foreign invader as I'd imagined. 

Now that I have added helping a centipede to my list of life accomplishments, I wonder who else I'll help and what I'll do today :).